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Washcloth Bunny
Submitted by Doreen

Items needed:

2 Rubberbands
6 cotton balls
2 pieces of ribbon
2 small white pom poms
1 larger pink pom pom
Plastic Easter egg

1. Lay the wash cloth on a flat surface and turn it like a diamond. 


2. Fold one side of the wash cloth And leave a tail sticking out



3. Do the same to the other side


4. Fold in tails


5. Place egg in the middle of folds


6. Wrap rubber band just above the egg

7. Place 2 cotton balls into the area between the “ears” and then wrap the other rubber band just above the cotton balls (this creates the face and ears)

8. Glue a two cotton balls for the feet, one pink pom-pom for the nose, two small white pom poms for the mouth and two eyes. Wrap ribbon around the areas where the rubber bands are


9. Then glue a cotton ball for the tail

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