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May 31, 2000

A while back I had to make a few hard choices. My health was becoming worse each day and my doctors had no clue as to what it was. all of the options that were left, were so bad that I frightened. I had no strength and began giving up things just trying to get well. I quit my temp work and church kitchen work. My parties were passed on to other consultants and the ones I did do, I never followed up on so my PL business was all but gone as well.

I stopped writing and posting on all list and boards never read them. Being the list owner of CANDLECYBERUNIT, I had a lot of responsibility that I was not well enough to do so it to had to go. I posted a post telling all of you I needed to leave the list and was looking for someone to keep it going even if I was never to return. I called Belinda , owner of BOB, and asked her what she thought I should do. Belinda told me that she had been reading the list all along and thought that Jenn N. would be a great choice to leave it

Jenn took over with no training or help from me at all! I just added her name to the list of people running the list and shut my computer down. A lot of time passed with me going from great to God kill me, and never once did my computer come on. At one point my health began to be better more often then it was bad, and I started to look at the list from time to time. I was pleased with how well Jenn kept things going. The post were all kind like they should be! It was great to see that should I need to leave forever, the list will continue to be a loving and kind home for our PL cyber family.

Thanks to all of you that are among the best PL people on the internet! You treat all people as you want to be treated! You speak well of others and or helpful to others!
However; when we slip and are not, it has been Jenn that has taken out the trash and cleaned things up for us. Without Jenn this year, our kind list would have gone the way of many others.

I for one am grateful that once more God has placed the right person in my path when I needed them most! I needed a loving and kind PL person that would keep our list as it should be, and God sent us Jenn! I can not thank you enough for your hard work. I happy to have you as my friend. I'm looking forward to seeing you at conference this year!

Now it is May and we look at Jenn's e-mail address and see, "JENN0531" that tells us she is about to have her first Birthday on our list!!! It is from my most grateful heart an honor to wish our Jenn a HAPPY BIRTHDAY for her birthday May 31! I hope your next 48 years are as good to you as your last 48! Join me in wishing this wonderful lady a day as kind as she is! God bless you Jenny on your birthday!

Love, Hank

This page last updated  August 09, 2003