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The Lily is a short story that I have written as an Easter gift to the many Christian consultants and leaders that have been a true reflection of Christ's love in my life over the past year! I am posting it on the boards and list because it has a tie in to a PL topic that I hope can hit home with all consultants and leaders of all faiths. I know that my many friends of other faiths will understand my need to share this with you at this time and take out of it the point it is intended to make. However; if a story with strong Christian overtones might offend you, please disregard this and enjoy my many other posts. Thank you, Hank

At this time of reflecting on the Easter story, I find myself also reflecting on the many ways that you have been a true reflection of Christ's love over the past year. My heart is warmed by the burning memories I treasure from meeting many of you for the first time in Washington. I write this story in hopes that I can give a little of that love back to you. To all of you that have taught me the meaning of being one body of believers, I give you The Lily!

The Lily

Billy stopped dead in his tracks as he turned the corner at the grocery store. Staring him straight in the face was a pure white Easter Lily with 7 blossoms on it. The fragrant smell transported his memories back to his childhood Easters. Easter was one of his favorite holidays due in part to the beauty of the many Easter lilies that always filled the dining room. "What I wouldn't give to have that lily in my dining room this year" he thought to himself. He knew that money was tighter this year than planed and he just couldn't afford it. "But what is Easter without a lily?" he reasoned to himself in an attempt to make the impulse purchase. Billy reached into his pocket and pulled out the crumbled up dollar bills he had and began to count them. Not taking long, it was obvious that buying the lily was out of the question as he had just enough for the needed items in the basket. The sharp return to reality was enough to send him on his way home, leaving the lily and thoughts of it behind.

The next day Billy was not able to put the thoughts of the lily out of his mind. Thinking over and over again of ways he could cut enough out of his budget, it seemed hopeless. " I wonder if I have enough money laying around on my dresser and in boxes in the basement to pay for one?" he thought with a renewed hope. Hitting the dresser first, Billy's hopes seemed slim! He had picked out all the change for other things and only left a small pile of pennies. Still determined, he headed off to the basement. Going through one box after another, little by little it added up. Billy hopped in his car with his treasure by his side in a large plastic cup and took off to redeem it for his lily at the store.

Upon entering the store, Billy placed his change in a sorter and watched with excitement as it added up to be more than enough for the lily. With his receipt clenched tight in his hand, he took off to grab his prized lily. As he stood in front of the flowers, looking for the one he liked best he couldn't help but overhear two women talking.

"I sometimes feel like there's no hope and want to give up!" said the first lady to the other who replied, " We first have our hope in Jesus, then in the many new cancer treatments researchers discover every day." Billy felt numb at hearing those words! As much as he has had to deal with cancer in his life over the past few years, it was the first time he
realized that hope is not free! Just as our hope of salvation comes from the price Christ Jesus paid on the cross, hope of surviving cancer comes from donated money to cancer research! Without more research, treatments and new drugs, all people with cancer would have nothing to hope for. "How could I buy a lily for myself now?" Billy thought. "What would be more fitting for Easter than to purchase more hope for tomorrow for people living with cancer?" In fact, Billy knew first hand that the hope would touch the lives of a great many people. Those with cancer, those at risk, their families and friends, and all of mankind as we all have a chance of getting cancer. Billy cashed in the receipt for money and drove home without a lily to place his money with other money he had for the P.L. ACS drive. 

It was now the Saturday before Easter and Billy knew he had made the right choice! He went to the back part of his yard to cut some fresh Lilacs from his bush to take the place of the absent Easter lily. When entering the house, Billy noticed that someone had called while he was out. After placing his Lilacs in the dining room, he returned to the kitchen to play back the phone message.

" Hi Billy", the message started. " It's Jill and I just wanted to let you know that I won't be at church for Easter this Sunday. They put my Mom, Lily, on a new cancer treatment two weeks ago and she is doing great! My whole family is getting together to spend Easter with her. I'll call you when I get back."

Her Mom Lily? Billy thought as he sat down. Just think of that, we all got an Easter Lily after all!

This page last updated  August 09, 2003