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Dear friends in READY AIM FIRE UNIT,

I remember first joining [company] and my leader telling me that " each week I needed to call in a report about my bookings, sales, and weekly activity" and I didn't like it.  Why?  It was obvious to me that she wanted to know how much money she was going to make off my hard work! I went into [company] to work for myself and didn't feel that it was any of her business.  So, I called in when I felt like it!  I always like to do things my way, I'm a man and we always think were right; I do!

Many months went by with me calling my unit leader ONLY when I NEEDED something, how thoughtful of me.  Than I went online and made friends on the Internet that were in [company]. It was great having [company] friends from all over that were not after me to go to meetings so I could make them more money like my unit leader.  The first and best friend that I meet was my beloved Jo or Josephine Mellilo who was also in KEEPERS OF THE LIGHT!

I just loved Jo as she was so funny and helpful to me.  I got to trust her so much that I think I told her about my cancer long before I told my family and friends.  Jo only cared about my happiness and well being.  One day after a long talk on the phone, it hit me!  Like slamming into a brick wall.  Jo has been checking up on my weekly report of activity in [company]!  What is that all about I thought!  Do all the leaders get this sickness that they have to ask everyone?

The answer opened up my eyes and changed my attitude about weekly reports. Jo wants me to be my best and live my dreams!  My weekly report is like taking my [company] temperature and checking my [company] health out!  Jo will never make money off my business as I'm not down line from her, she does it because she cares about me like she cares about you!

Does anyone else ask you about YOUR DREAMS each week?  NO!  Jo, like all [company] leaders gets a report on the activity of everyone in her unit.  When you call in your report you aren't telling her something she won't find out other wise.  When you call in she has a chance to remind you of your dream and HELP you get focused on making it happen!  It not about her money that you give her calls, it's about your dreams and what you can do to see them come true!

Why am I sending you this letter?  I care about you and your dreams as well. Jo talks about you like you are her family, and in a sense you are.  We want you to be ALL that you CAN BE in [company].  Jo has made it on her own as a leader and wishes you the same!

Why did you join [company]?  Was it to add more burden to your life?  No, it was to make money and live your dreams!  I'm going to give you 3 action steps that WILL help you to live out your dreams.

R E A D Y      A I M      F I R E !

READY, Get ready and set a plan for your dream!  It won't just fall in your lap, you need a plan.

1- List how much money you need to make each week.

2- List how many parties you need to do a week to make that much and add 1 extra booking in a week to make up for any people that might cancel, IT HAPPENS TO ALL OF US!!!

3-GO TO YOUR MEETINGS!  I was shocked at how easy [company] really is when you do it right!  You can learn how only by going to meetings

4- PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE just give 2+2 a try.  IT WORKS!  if you just try it, you will see your dreams sooner than you think.

5- Call your leader weekly!  She is like a nurse and wants to make your [company] health it's best! Don't wait till your business is dead to call, pick up the phone when it is just sick or better yet call her to KEEP FROM EVER GETTING SICK! If you need help making out your plan of action your leader will help you, CALL HER!

AIM, Aim high and think BIG! What do you want in life a few years from now? $500 a month?  Did you join [company] and say " WOW I want to make $500 a month"?  I don't think so, so why settle for that now? You should think high enough of yourself to at very least try to bonus each month and make the EXTRA 7%!  Your leader makes the same % of money off you at $1 or $10,000 but NOT YOU!  You go for your 7% each month and you will see that you can do it! THINK BIG!  What about $250,000!  In a few years you can and even more IF YOU WANT IT!         AIM HIGH!

FIRE, Fire your plan into action!  Get on the phone and make your 2+2 calls as well as calling your leader!  Book shows and sponsor people today!  Let YOUR dreams fuel the fire that motivates you to for fill your dreams!

Have it all? You can if you just get-READY, AIM-high, FIRE-off into your dreams!

Happy Valentines Day to all of you, Hank

This page last updated July 06, 2005