Fund Raiser Offering Letter
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Sample Fund Raiser Offering Letter 
from Margaret, aka Candlecandle on the message board

If your organization needs to raise money, instead of selling candy, wrapping paper or T-shirts, why not consider [PL]! [PL] has been assisting organizations such as yours in their successful fund-raising for several years. Your organization can earn ____% profit on products for everyone: use them for wedding gifts, Christmas, birthday, showers, or just for yourself. We have many different types of candles and accessories to choose from. Plus with a [PL] fund-raiser:

Your organization will be selling popular products that have a worldwide reputation for quality. Every customer your organization sells to will be satisfied-because every [PL] product is guaranteed.

I can work with you to create a custom-designed fund-raiser: You sell what you want, when you want, and how you want. There's no investment from your organization-with profits paid directly and immediately to you!

I would like to have the opportunity to meet personally with you to show you a sampling of [PL] products and fund-raising materials. We can determine what type of fund-raiser would work best for your organization.

If you have any immediate questions, Please call me at ____________. I will be calling you within a few days to schedule an appointment to talk to you about how [PL] can become partners with you in developing a successful fund-raising event. I look forward to meeting with you soon.


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This page last updated  May 15, 2005