Bridal Showers
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Bridal Candle Shower Invitation  
Submitted by
Maryanne G.

A couple of new games from Jo B on the candlecyberunit list:
Wedding Truths Unveiled
Bridal Gown Design Contest

Previous ideas:
I have done a couple of bridal showers... The first one I did... the Mom of the bride and all her friends and family had a candle show and did not invite the bride... this was approximately 5 weeks before the scheduled bridal shower. They all ordered items for the bride and her new house... We then had a candle show as the actual bridal shower... all of the gifts previously selected were placed on my table... At the end of the show, we surprised the bride by telling her that each and every item on my table belonged to her!! We also gave her the hostess credit from the original party in the form of a Gift Certificate!! She was so surprised...and happy!

The guests at the bridal shower then ordered for themselves... so the party was like a "two for one" ... and I didn't have to pack anything to take home!!!

Chantel Tackett
You Go, Girl!
Fabulous Region

Do you have extra, or can you borrow some votive organizers??? I took about 4 or 5 votive organizers to a bridal party, split everyone into teams, mixed up the entire organizer, and had them try to get the votives back in the right spots. I think I timed them for 1 or 2 minutes.

The Tic tac toe game would be fun. Have everyone fill in the 9 tic-tac-toe spots with their favorite items, then have the Bride call off her favorite items randomly, and who every get 3 in a row or tic tac toe wins!

Another idea for the shower is to copy off the candle and product summery sheets in the suggested retail price list booklet, and have the bride highlight in yellow items she wants to USE in her wedding and highlight in pink what she wants for a wedding gift. Then the group can order, and YOU can check off what has been ordered...kinda like a registry.

Just a couple of quick ideas!

Jackie Calcaterra
Superior Region

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This page last updated  August 09, 2003